Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 2:
Well it only took me an hour to get here but here I am! SO a little slice of me today, well that is exactly how I feel. I literally feel like that tasty Italian pizza that you have one bite and you have to go back. ( you know, the good kind) I am the pizza though and everyone also is trying to eat me little by little.  Ok,  dramatic I know but it is how I feel. I sometimes wonder if I have a sign that says if you have a question ask me! I actually had a coworker check my back today, just to make sure it wasn't there.
 But let's not dwell on the negative I will think of the positive. I made myself a deal I would do one thing for me everyday. SO i have for almost two weeks I have walked my goal of 10,000 steps or more. Yippee! for me right? Well it really is hard to set a goal and keep it. I often think if I let something go it can be exercise,reading that goodnight book,or sitting with my teenage daughter and asking her what in life is ailing her.
I figured there is no time like the present to make a change. Put me first then my family and friends. Work will always be here, time won't. I often think the over achiever in me takes over and I am blinded, but something changes when you realize time doesn't stop just because you think it should, it goes on.
So, exactly that is it, time, that is what I need. I will say goodbye with a few question;
How does one know they are enough? Does the light-bulb ever flicker and turn on? How and when can one find peace with just being simple and saying enough is enough?

Until tomorrow if I can find you!



  1. Yesi,
    I adore you!! I haven't learned the balance of enough is enough! I know taking care of yourself is the best way to take care of your family and friends!! You are an inspiration in my desire for discipline! Thank you my friend for finding your blog so you could share your words today!

    Here's to Tuesday!!

  2. You pose a question I've grappled with for years. "How does one know they are enough?' I wish there was an easy answer, but I think you start by acting your way into right thinking. You are doing that by meeting your daily steps goal and pausing long enough to reflect. As far as being sliced to thin, I would offer the wisdom of Jim Knight who says what we say no to defines us more than what we say yest to.

  3. Balance is a hard thing to find! My best strategy, though certainly not a perfect one, is to prioritize. My family and myself come first, next are work and friends and finally if there is (haha) left over time, I can add other things. I enjoyed how you tried to stay positive even with all the demands on your time today.

  4. Way to go Yesi! I feel certain by Day 31 you will find your blog in under 10 seconds!
