Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Simple Moment Simple Day 3


Being enough....

I decided to dare greatly....as my very good friend Tenille would say. I left the giant work bag at work tonight. Omg! I know there are many people who know just what that bag looks and feels like. The weight of all the papers I should look at, the data that I need to look at and plan the perfect instruction, the books I need to read. (I have carried them around for 6 months!) The Educational Leadership and Reading teacher magazines I know I could pick up just one more best practice. Of course I won't forget the to do list I made....pay the bills, attend cheer meetings, sell auction tickets for Pre-k, use that coupon before it expires and on and on.

Well I left it all at work! Yep tonight I decided I would leave our open house and come home use the treadmill and then BLOG! I found it pretty quick tonight and I even gave it a title. Tenille I hope you are proud.

Sitting here with my computer and a glass of wine it is refreshing! I don't have that evil reminder staring at me and whispering, "You really should be opening me up and getting those to do's done!"
I can say I have about completed my day! It's only 8:39 that is amazing. I will relax open the book on my nightstand and read a little to my baby boy. Loving it and I must say tomorrow I will dare greatly once again!


  1. I know what you mean about the school bag. I am proud of you for letting go!

  2. I love how well you capture that nagging internal voice that "shoulds" on us all day long. My favorite part was about the soon-to-expire coupon. Leaving your "burden bag" as I've come to call it at school was a wise decision. Sometimes the best thing we can do is walk away and drink a glass of wine. You did dare greatly, and I do love your title. Simple moments matter the most.

  3. It really does feel good to leave all of it behind sometimes! I am proud of you for stepping away from the bag for a little bit! Enjoy your evening!!!

  4. It is a great feeling to walk away form work.

    I used my treadmill tonight too!

  5. Ugh...that BAG! I have one of those bags too. It is filled with very similar things and calls to me as I try to do anything else. Maybe I will dare greatly and leave it at school tomorrow too! Great idea!
